Imi Knoebel, "Z.T. 1," 1987-88
Acrylic on wood
99 1/4 x 75 1/2 inches |
Caught the Knoebel at either a very serendipitous or very frustrating moment depending on how you want to look at it... While I liked the relationship between the grid of color and the one of light and shadow from the skylight above (in fact suggesting a potential source for his work from an architectural feature elsewhere), I would have preferred to see it without such casual happenstance.
Seth Price, "Untitled," 2008
Inkjet print on protective film over acrylic
48 x 96 inches |
Another problematic of the viewing condition (such is the all-consuming nature of reflective materials), I stopped and looked anyway.
Tauba Auerbach "Untitled (Fold)," 2010
Acrylic on canvas
48 x 40 inches |
A seductive illusion to be sure...
Isa Genzken "Untitled," 2006
Plastic, metal, floor lamp, artichokes,
adhesive tape, spray paint, lacquer,
coconut fibre, and cable
79 x 17 x 17 1/2 inches |
When a body can be thought about as mostly a system of synthetic parts, fluid ones that attach to power structures, I know I'm seeing a reflection of the now (at least partially metaphorical). I'm torn between fascination and disgust, perhaps a bit like a Warhol car crash (or perhaps an electric chair?).
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