Saturday, September 14, 2013

Steve Roden ragpicker @ CRG

"aura rests (an old resonance)." 2013
acrylic and oil on canvas
48 x 36 inches

"out of its wooden brain suddenly," 2013
acrylic and oil on canvas
60 x 48 inches

"the sibyl's grotto," 2013
acrylic and oil on canvas
60 x 36 inches

"eighth view," 2013
oil on linen
14 x 11 inches

Barry Le Va "Early Installations" @ Sonnabend

"Double Doorways," 1968, chalk dust, approx. 17x22 feet

Set I A Placed, B Placed
Set II A Dropped, B Dropped
Set III A Placed, B Dropped
Set IV placed, 1968
Felt, glass aluminum bars, and stainless steel ball bearings
96 x 96 inches

"Disentangle," 1968, grey felt, approx. 30 x 18 feet

Grazia Toderi @ Sonnabend

"Atlante Rosso," 2012, still from video projection loop, 

"Mirabile Urbis," 2012, still from double video projection loop

Anne Truitt "Threshold: Work from the 1970's" @ Matthew Marks | New York

"Februrare," 1978, acrylic on canvas, 60 1/4 x 60 inches
"Remembered Sea," 1974, acrylic on wood
8 1/4 x 144 x 9 1/2 inches

"Arundel XXV," 1975, acrylic on graphite on canvas,
43 3/4 x 90 inches

"Way III," 1974, acrylic on canvas, 40 3/4 x 87 inches

"Landfall," 1970, acrylic on wood,
73 3/8 x 23 7/8 x 24 inches

"Jaunt," 1977, acrylic on wood,
60 3/8 x 5 1/2 x 9 inches

Installation View