Saturday, July 24, 2010

Selections from "Picture Industry (Goodbye to All That)" Organized by Walead Beshty @ Regen Projects, West Hollywood

Imi Knoebel, "Z.T. 1," 1987-88
Acrylic on wood
99 1/4 x 75 1/2 inches
Caught the Knoebel at either a very serendipitous or very frustrating moment depending on how you want to look at it... While I liked the relationship between the grid of color and the one of light and shadow from the skylight above (in fact suggesting a potential source for his work from an architectural feature elsewhere), I would have preferred to see it without such casual happenstance.

Seth Price, "Untitled," 2008
Inkjet print on protective film over acrylic
48 x 96 inches
Another problematic of the viewing condition (such is the all-consuming nature of reflective materials), I stopped and looked anyway.

Tauba Auerbach "Untitled (Fold)," 2010
Acrylic on canvas
48 x 40 inches
A seductive illusion to be sure...

Isa Genzken "Untitled," 2006
Plastic, metal, floor lamp, artichokes,
adhesive tape, spray paint, lacquer,
coconut fibre, and cable
79 x 17 x 17 1/2 inches
When a body can be thought about as mostly a system of synthetic parts, fluid ones that attach to power structures, I know I'm seeing a reflection of the now (at least partially metaphorical). I'm torn between fascination and disgust, perhaps a bit like a Warhol car crash (or perhaps an electric chair?).

Painting Selections from the Art Institute Chicago

Sigmar Polke

Fritz Glarner

Jean (Hans) Arp



Carl Andre, Robert Smithson, Richard Serra, and Robert Morris @ Art Institute Chicago

Pedestal for a living sculpture...

Carl Andre

Robert Smithson

Richard Serra

Robert Morris